you probably won’t be surprised to hear we’re big fans of instagram at THE TEN SPOT hq, right? it’s pretty much our favourite app, so we decided to share our insta addict litmus test with you folks. have anything to add? get in touch with us on the #FeelLikeATen hashtag.

when you realise it’s thursday evening and you haven’t posted your #tbt yet

how to know you're an Instagram addict

when you just want to document every. damn. emotion.

how to know you're an Instagram addict

when your girlfriend doesn’t understand the importance of lighting

how to know you're an Instagram addict

when your hashtag takes off

how to know you're an Instagram addict

when you’ve got your pose down.

how to know you're an Instagram addict

when your mom starts following you

how to know you're an Instagram addict

when you find yourself downloading more filters and stop to evaluate your life

how to know you're an Instagram addict

when your make-up is on point

how to know you're an Instagram addict

when you accidentally post before you’ve added all your hashtags

how to know you're an Instagram addict

when your eyes were closed and you insist on a retake

how to know you're an Instagram addict

when your date makes fun of you for taking a photo of your lunch

how to know you're an Instagram addict

when you find your ex’s new girlfriend’s account

how to know you're an Instagram addict

when you basically want to live that kim k life

how to know you're an Instagram addict

after all that, you better come follow us on social, right? we’re on facebook, twitter and OF COURSE instagram. plus, check out our hashtag: #FeelLikeATen.