sephora is your paradise, you live for urban decay and you dream of one day getting your hands on a full set of artis brushes. we feel ya. we’re all about feeling like a ten here at THE TEN SPOT, and although you don’t have to wear makeup to feel bad-ass, sometimes that extra bit of confidence makes all the difference.
check out our 10 things all MUAs know, and don’t forget to tell us yours on facebook, twitter or instagram by using the hashtag #FeelLikeATen.
when someone asks if your lashes are real

when you miss out on VIP rouge status by $5

when your date says he prefers girls who don’t wear make-up

when you can’t find your tom ford lipstick in your purse

when your boyfriend says you’re wearing too much liner

when you finally get your hands on a kylie lip kit

when you find out the newest mac release is already sold out

when you drop your lorac pro palette and the powders shatter

when your girlfriend nails her brows

and finally, when you get a discount code in your inbox